Create a healthy company culture. Our HSAs help your employees cover medical expenses — while helping you earn their respect.
Key Features
Competitive Interest1
Tax Deductible2
Keep Employees Happy
Keep Employees Healthy
1BALANCE COMPUTATION METHOD: APY=Annual Percentage Yield. We use the daily balance method to calculate interest on your account. This method applies a daily periodic rate to the principal in the account each day. The daily balance that we use when calculating interest is the collected balance. That means we only include those funds for which we have actually received payment when we determine the balance on which interest is paid. Interest begins to accrue no later than the business day we receive credit for the deposit of non-cash items (for example, checks).
2When used for qualified medical expenses. Consult a tax advisor. Qualified expenses include most medical care and services, dental and vision care, weight loss programs, some over the counter medications, mileage, and more.
3You can withdraw funds at any time for any purpose. However, if funds are withdrawn for reasons other than qualified medical expenses, the amount withdrawn will be included as taxable income, and is subject to a 10% penalty.